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Norsk – Norge
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Norsk – Norge
Get started with the app!
Devices: iOS og Android
Buying and item support
Data privacy
Capeesh Create
Hello. How can we help you?
Get started with the app!
Here is all the information you need to get started with Capeesh, a platform for language learning.
Devices: iOS og Android
Download the Capeesh app from Google Play Store or App Store. Search for "Capeesh" and tap "Download" or "Install".
Buying and item support
To purchase a product, visit our website or app, select the item, and complete the purchase. Contact support via email for help.
Data privacy
Learn how we protect your privacy and how data is collected and handled securely.
Learn how to use our dashboard to get an overview of datacustomize views, and gain insights into key metrics.
Find answers to common questions about our products, services, and features, including videos, in this section.
Capeesh Create
Learn how to use Capeesh Create, get helpful tips, and watch video guides to get started with creating custom courses.